What Is News?
News is information about events that impact our lives. It can provide important information about things we didn’t know before. It can also inform us about events that affect our daily routine. The definition of news can vary depending on the type of news we’re interested in, such as a story about a celebrity who is able to influence events and create a stir.
Information that wasn’t known before
News is information that has not been known before. It refers to current events and is broadcast through media such as radio, television, and the internet. This information can range from a family gathering where a newly engaged couple makes the announcement to a New York Times report about the presidential election.
Events that affect the daily routine of people
Few people take the time to consider the impact of their daily routines on the environment. Even the smallest action can affect the environment. That’s the focus of urban design doctoral student Xiao Shi’s research. She recently studied the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on people’s mental health, productivity, and the environment.
Research has found that routines are associated with positive health outcomes. For example, a Williams 2000 study found that people who lacked routines experienced more distress than those who had a high number of routines. Similarly, routines contribute to the development of children and the functioning of a family. They provide opportunities for learning and experimentation, and can even lead to self-confidence.
Human interest stories
Human interest stories are stories about human beings that captivate readers. Whether it’s an unfortunate story of an accident or a death, a human interest story can stir the emotions and connect the reader to the situation. A successful story will blend facts and emotion, using facts to draw sympathy from the reader.
Human interest stories can help us take a stand on an issue. For example, a young man’s suicide in Africa could be the beginning of a new social revolution. A story like this could become a trend, and journalists could get behind it.
Conflicts of interest in newsgathering
When it comes to newsgathering, there are numerous conflicts of interest that journalists and other media professionals should be aware of. These can range from reporting on friends and family members to accepting free media for review. When these conflicts are not declared, the public cannot trust the journalists and their sources.
MAET News requires employees to disclose any potential conflict of interest before engaging in the newsgathering process. Failure to do so may damage the organization’s reputation. In addition, journalists must disclose all personal interests to their immediate supervisors as soon as they are assigned to a story. This includes spouses, family members, and companions.
Formats for news stories
News stories are a common assignment for journalism students, and there are a few basic formats for them to follow. Understanding these formats can help you write stronger news stories. For example, a good news story should begin with a lede. A lede summarizes the most important points of a story, and a well-written lede can give the reader an idea of what to expect from the rest of the story.
Another popular news format is a “card” format, which breaks up a news story into bite-sized pieces and offers options for consuming chunks of information. This format is similar to Facebook Instant Articles, but is typically HTML-only and has a link back to the original article.